I have always been interested in comics and movies. From 1993 until 1997 I went to art school (Academie Minerva in Groningen) and after that I worked a few years as an illustrator and comic artist. I slowly discovered that the act of drawing was something I did out of a necessity. It enabled me to tell stories with images. I noticed that most of my fellow comic artists seemed to enjoy every minute of the process, making drawings and sketches all the time. Even if they were not working on a specific story or character. But to me those things were the primary goal to pick up a pencil. I had a passion for the result, but I didn't really enjoy the process.
Since 2009 I started writing about the history of Dutch comics and animation and of this process I enjoyed every minute! I chronicled an important part of our cultural herritage and met a lot of nice people in the meantime.
More recently I started to write comic books again, but this time for other artists to draw. These collaborations are wonderful and I am exactly doing what I like most: writing, structuring and sometimes a little layout or graphic design.
I still have a lot of stories to tell and in the following years I hope to spend more time working on them.
Left: page from my script. Right: final page, drawn by Ben Westervoorde.
Destination Unknown. Two pages of an unused scenario.
Some of my early comic work
After I graduated art school I created a lot of comics. It was fun to make short gag strips for a while, but I preferred bigger projects and longer stories. In 2006 and 2007 I teamed up with colleagues Eric Snelleman and Jan Krol to create the daily newspaper comic Zapklaar. It was published in five Dutch newspapers.
Published in magazines for hospital employees.
Text and drawings:
Jan-Willem de Vries
Ideas: Jan Krol
Drawings: Jan-Willem de Vries
Published in: De Leidsche Courant, Het Noordhollands Dagblad and het Haarlems Dagblad.
Ideas: Jan Krol
Layout: Jan-Willem
de Vries
Drawings: Eric Snelleman
Jan-Willem de Vries
Jan-Willem de Vries
Telefoon: 06-21349322
E-mail: jw@janwillemdevries.nl